30 June 2009

Pigeon Control Solutions

' Can I kill pigeons or poison them?'

Killing birds does not solve the problem; it would not take long before another pair of birds moves in. Treating the cause of the problem, for example, installing bird spikes to ledges, guttering, window sills, rafters, beams etc will stop pigeons using your property making them unable to roost.

Poisons should never be used as non target species of birds and animals could be killed. Simply install the bird spikes and move the birds away from your property.

Dave B

29 June 2009

Bird Spike solutions

"how do i get rid of pigeons using my gutters"
The Defender Gutter spike is a great product to stop pigeons roosting in gutters. These spikes work on the half round standard guttering and simply slide over the front leading edge offering complete protection while allowing water to free flow. The spikes also keep out leaf and debris that cause gutters to block.

26 June 2009

Bird deterrent solutions

'how do i get clear accurate information on bird deterrent solutions’

Pigeons can easily nest in around our properties without disturbing our lives, however sometimes things need to be addressed.
Using humane bird control solutions properties can be easily protected and problem birds are moved away resolving the problem immediately.
Dave B

25 June 2009

twitter me not! pigeon facts.

Check out this great website article on 21 amazing facts about pigeons. Also for a really indepth look at all things pigeon control go to the pigeon control resource centre PCRC website. They have great write ups on most products used for deterring pigeons including anti roosting bird spikes.

Dave B

11 June 2009

Pigeons love tube strikes

The tube strike has caused huge frustration to London passengers. Is anyone smiling? Only the pigeon!

Dave B

10 June 2009

Why not install pigeon spikes?

One row of Defender 8 plastic pigeon spikes will stop pigeons roosting on the sign (the depth of this sign is less than 8 inches). This would leave the sign clean and dust free.

Dave B

09 June 2009

Move over darling

'Correctly installed bird spikes will make the pigeons move on, exactly where!'

This simple image shows how effective bird spikes can be moving problem birds like pigeons away from your property. They offer a humane solution and work immediately with 100% effectiveness, however, and here’s the rub, where do the birds go! As you can clearly see in this picture not far! Don’t just try and solve the immediate problem try predicting other roosting areas on your property where the birds may use next. When surveyed correctly the long term results include time and expenditure savings.
Dave B

05 June 2009

Pigeon Spikes

'Easy to install and 100 percent successful'

Pigeons will roost on areas like railings, CCTV cameras, light fittings, AC units, I beams, rafters & beams, street lamps, fencing panels, TV aerials etc use the Defender Bird Spikes range manufactured in the UK by Jones & Son Pest Control Ltd. These bird spikes stop pigeons roosting on problem areas, the bird spikes are easy to install, 100 percent successful and are totally humane to the birds.

04 June 2009

Do bird scare products really work?

'as soon as the installer has moved off site the problem birds will start to roost in the area'
There are a number of bird scare products available on the UK market. Products like "terror eyes" or "bird of prey owls" have the aesthetic look over bird spikes but not the deterrent value that a customer should look for. In manys cases just installing the bird scare product will increase the deterrent affects, however, as soon as the installer has moved off site the problem birds will start to roost in the area. The birds will be aware of a new arrival but it won't take long before they realise that they offer no threat. Bird spikes offers a simple soultion, when installed on ledges, rafters, beams etc they act as a barrier to stop birds roosting, the birds simply move to another site. Always make sure when installing bird spikes you completely cover all the areas birds like to roost, this will ensure 100% deterrent proof.
Dave B

01 June 2009

How to get rid of pigeons on my TV aerial?

'I have pigeons roosting on my TV aerial – can I use anti roosting spikes'?
Yes, pigeon anti roosting spikes are ideal for this purpose. The spikes are best installed by using an plastic cable ties wrapped around the base of the spike and then around the aerial itself. This will ensure that the spike cannot slip around and end up facing downwards. You could also support the fixing with silicone adhesive as well as plastic cable ties. Although stainless steel spikes are unlikely to interfere with the TV signal when installed on an aerial it may be wise to consider a plastic spike for the purpose. One UK manufacturer of pigeon spikes - Jones and Son Ltd offer an ingenious kit to protect TV aerials which includes all the different fixtures and fittings that will be required to protect virtually any type of TV aerial.

Dave B